Carrier Seal
An 8-man swimmer delivery vehicle, Carrier Seal is designed for the covert insertion and extraction of combat diver units.
Carrier Seal operates in three modes; surface, semi-submerged and submerged. Launched from a surface ship, Carrier Seal vehicles transit at speeds of up to 30kts on the surface before switching to submerged mode for a covert final approach.

Surface Speed
In surface mode, Carrier Seal is propelled by a water-cooled, 345 horse power diesel engine coupled with a Kongsberg water jet. Together they allow for perfect manoeuvrability.
Semi-Submerged Speed
In this mode, the diesel engine and water-jet remain the propulsion system of choice and can propel the craft at sprint speeds of up to five knots. The vehicle’s typical cruise speed in this mode is four knots.
Submerged Speed
In submerged mode these batteries deliver power to two electric thrusters. This propulsion system affords Carrier Seal a submerged range of 30 nautical miles at a speed of up to five knots.

Carrier Seal is an 8-man swimmer delivery vehicle designed for the covert insertion and extraction of combat diver units.
Example applications for Carrier Seal include:
Delivery of 6-man combat team
Host platform for autonomous underwater vehicles
Remotely operated weapons platform
Harbour patrol vessel
Rapid-response anti-piracy craft
Mine countermeasure operations
A built in breathing system adds extra safety for the divers and enables an extended underwater range
Several quick mounts for a variety of weapon systems transforms the craft in to a combat craft
On board sensors and navigation systems work together to provide safe transit and accurate positioning day and night, above or below the surface of the water, regardless of vehicle speed or environmental conditions.
In addition to divers and their personal equipment, Carrier Seal accommodate additional mission equipment such as sensor and radio equipment, ammunition and explosives, survival equipment and supplies. For operations requiring extended range, the craft can carry additional fuel stored in a separate fuel tank or additional battery packs.